Ancient Earth's Atmospheric Transformation

Ancient Earth's Atmospheric Transformation

Lessons From Ancient Earth's Atmosphere: From Hostile to Hospitable

By Evan Gough | November 13, 2024

Earth's ancient atmosphere
Image Credit: Tohoku University

Will we ever understand how life got started on Earth? We’ve learned much about Earth’s long, multi-billion-year history, but a detailed understanding of how the planet’s atmospheric chemistry evolved still eludes us. At one time, Earth was atmospherically hostile, and its transition from that state to a planet teeming with life followed a complex path.

Ancient Earth: A Harsh Environment

What made Earth so special? Research shows that while Earth is completely different from its neighboring planets now, in the past, it shared many atmospheric characteristics with modern-day Venus and Mars. How did Earth turn out so different?

A better understanding of Earth’s atmospheric journey can help us understand some of the distant exoplanets we’ve detected. In the near future, new telescopes will be revealing more details of exoplanet atmospheres. Many puzzles await, and some of the solutions to understanding them could be found on ancient Earth.

The Chemical Makeup of Ancient Earth

Ancient Earth had a reducing atmosphere, which means that there was a lack of free oxygen. The atmosphere contained reducing gases like hydrogen and methane. These gases quickly react with oxygen and remove it from the atmosphere. Some of those same molecules also react with UV light, and the chemical reactions produce organic molecules.

Understanding Prebiotic Chemistry

Before life could appear, Earth needed a good supply of important prebiotic molecules like formaldehyde (H2CO) and poisonous hydrogen cyanide (HCN). These molecules are critical because they can undergo a wide variety of reactions to produce the more complex molecules life requires. They produce amino acids, sugars, and nucleobases, which are the building blocks for DNA and RNA.

Research shows that a highly reduced atmosphere like ancient Earth’s is a candidate for producing these important prebiotic molecules, especially if it’s above a primordial ocean. Earth’s primordial ocean, or proto-ocean, was also much different from the modern ocean. Among other things, it was acidic because of volcanic gases. It was also hot.

Ancient Earth
Ancient Earth had hot, acidic oceans and a reducing atmosphere that lacked free oxygen. Image Credit: NASA/T.Pyle

Model of Atmospheric Evolution

Researchers from Tohoku University, the University of Tokyo, and Hokkaido University have developed a new model of atmospheric chemical reactions that sheds light on how Earth’s atmosphere evolved and how the first life may have arisen.

The research is titled "Self-Shielding Enhanced Organics Synthesis in an Early Reduced Earth’s Atmosphere." It’s published in the journal Astrobiology, and Tatsuya Yoshida from Tohoku University is the lead author.

Molecule Function Significance
Formaldehyde (H2CO) Key component for amino acid synthesis Building block for proteins
Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) Precursor to nucleobases Building block for RNA and DNA
Amino Acids Proteins synthesis Essential for life
Sugars Energy source Building block for carbohydrates

The Role of Solar radiation

The Sun’s UV radiation bombarded ancient Earth unimpeded by an ozone layer, driving chemical reactions in the ancient Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and crust.

That much is understood. However, what scientists desire is a better understanding of all of the details. “However, the branching ratio between organic matter formation and oxidation remains unknown despite its significance on the abiotic chemical evolution of early Earth,” the authors explain.

Modeling the Atmospheric Conditions

The researchers developed a photochemical model for a reduced Earth’s atmosphere primarily containing H2 and CH4. Their model is based on one that’s been successfully applied to Jupiter’s atmosphere, the atmospheres of ancient and modern Mars, and runaway greenhouse atmospheres. The model considers numerous chemical reactions and also includes atmospheric hydrogen escape and atmospheric mixing.

Young Sun
Illustration of what the Sun may have been like 4 billion years ago. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Conceptual Image Lab

Formation of Organic Molecules

The oxygen radicals combined with methane led to the creation of organic molecules like HCN and H2CO.

Hydrocarbons, such as acetylene (C2H2) and methylacetylene (C3H4), were also present in the atmosphere. These chemicals absorbed some UV, shielding the lower atmosphere from photodissociation. “According to our results, UV absorptions by gaseous hydrocarbons such as C2H2 and C3H4 significantly suppress the H2O photolysis and following CH4 oxidation,” the authors explain. The atmospheric methane helped drive the production of organics.

The Prebiotic Soup

That allowed organic molecules to accumulate into a prebiotic soup, which could’ve provided the building blocks for life.

“Accordingly, nearly half of initial CH4 possibly becomes converted to heavier organics along with deposition of prebiotically essential molecules such as HCN and H2CO on the surface of a primordial ocean for a geological timescale order of 10-100 Myr,” the authors write.

Evolution of Earth's atmosphere
This diagram shows the evolution of Earth's ancient atmosphere estimated by this study. Image Credit: Yoshida et al. 2024

As time went on and the reduced atmosphere evolved, H2CO and HCN were continuously synthesized and accumulated in the ocean. H2CO and HCN are considered critical in prebiotic chemistry. According to these results, Earth’s early atmosphere was a major source of these important prebiotic molecules. They didn’t need to come from meteorites or comets.

The Significance of this Research

The authors calculate that a layer of organic several hundred meters thick may have covered the ocean. “The continuous supply of these prebiotically important molecules could potentially lead to the synthesis of amino acids, nucleobases, sugars, and their polymers,” the researchers write.

“There may have been an accumulation of organics that created what was like an enriched soup of important building blocks. That could have been the source from which living things first emerged on Earth,” said lead author Yoshida.

The model shows that Earth’s early atmosphere was eerily similar to modern-day Mars and Venus. However, Earth evolved into a completely different world. How?

This research doesn’t explain it all, but it does deepen our understanding of the evolutionary track Earth followed.

Future Directions

The question becomes, is Earth unique? Or is it a common path that exoplanets in other solar systems can follow?

Exploring Exoplanetary Atmospheres

There are several avenues that science may pursue to expand the knowledge gained from Ancient Earth:

  • Investigating other solar systems with planets in the habitable zone.
  • Applying models developed about ancient Earth’s atmosphere to analyze the conditions of exoplanets.
  • Utilizing spectroscopic techniques to analyze distant atmospheres and identify biosignatures.


Understanding how Earth transformed from a hostile atmosphere to a hospitable one is crucial not only for appreciating the history of our planet but also for forming hypotheses about life beyond Earth. As we explore exoplanets, the lessons from ancient Earth may provide insightful clues about where to look for signs of life.

References for Further Exploration

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