What will it take to reach zero space debris?
By Evan Gough, Universe Today

The space debris problem won't solve itself. We've been kicking the can down the road for years as we continue launching more rockets and payloads into space. In the last couple of years, organizations—especially the European Space Agency (ESA)—have begun to address the problem more seriously.
Now they're asking this question: What will it take to reach zero space debris?
At first glance, it may seem unreal, maybe naive. There are billions of pieces of space junk orbiting Earth, and more than 25,000 of those pieces are larger than 10 cm. Though small, these pieces are travelling fast and can cause significant damage when impacting satellites or space stations. What will it take to get rid of all this debris?
The ESA has released the "Zero Debris Technical Booklet" to elucidate the challenges to a zero-debris future and propose solutions to get there. The booklet's development follows the signing of the Zero Debris Charter by members of the Zero-Decrement community.
“Despite several initiatives for space debris mitigation in recent years and modest improvements in public awareness, there is a general consensus that more ambitious actions are urgently needed from all space stakeholders to prevent, mitigate, and remediate debris,” the report states.
The report outlines how access to space is hindered by debris as described in the Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities published by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
Zero Debris Targets and Technical Needs
The booklet defines zero debris targets and presents "technical needs, solutions, and key enablers" that can help organizations achieve them.
The obvious first step is to cease creating more debris. This begins with avoiding the unintentional release of debris. Exposure to the space environment can degrade materials during missions and beyond their end date, and unintentional impacts can also release debris. The booklet promotes the development of multi-layer insulation and coating technologies to prevent long-term degradation of materials. Similarly, improved methods for materials that can resist impacts are also needed.
Propulsion Technologies
The need for different propulsion technologies that don't release large amounts of small particles is highlighted. The booklet advocates for the development of propulsion systems based on:
- Electromagnetic tethers
- Momentum-transfer tethers
- Drag augmentation devices based on solar radiation pressure

Improving Space Traffic Coordination
The need for improved Space Traffic Surveillance and Coordination (STC) is also highlighted. "Improved STC will help prevent collisions and reduce the occurrence of unnecessary collision avoidance maneuvers," the booklet states. This requires technological solutions but also information sharing between different space agencies.
The technical booklet explains that standardized guidelines will need to be developed and adopted for equitable sharing of information as well as effective coordination.
Active Debris Removal
For existing debris, removal is the only solution. "For space objects which fail to deorbit themselves for whatever reason, external means can be used to remove these objects from orbit," states the booklet. This entails assessing defunct satellites to determine the best way to deorbit them while avoiding any risks of breaking up during the process.
Technological approaches will be needed, combined with communication between different space-faring nations. The booklet states that development of interoperable interfaces will facilitate removal for different types and sizes of objects, adapted for different orbital regions with various disposal strategies.
Technology | Description | Status |
CanX-7 | Deployable solar sails to aid in deorbiting. | Operational |
Clearspace-1 | A new system for rendezvousing, capturing, and deorbiting defunct satellites. | Under development |
Collision Avoidance
Predicting and avoiding the risk of collisions between satellites and other objects in space forms part of the booklet's discussion. The increasing amount of debris leads to an urgent need for operators to carry out collision avoidance maneuvers. This requires coordinated efforts across different agencies while advocating for standardized methods of conducting collision risk assessments.
The booklet stresses that developing machine-learning algorithms and enhancing optical and radio tracking aids will greatly benefit collision avoidance and risk prediction technologies. Ultimately, a holistic approach is essential.
Key Challenges and Solutions
In summary, the Technical Booklet outlines that space debris presents a challenge requiring standardized methods for:
- Assessing hazards
- Avoiding hazards
- Removing hazards
While the technology to address the space debris problem may not be fully developed yet, the critical part of the equation hinges on cooperation among nations.
The Political Challenge
Unfortunately, cooperation is often lacking. Countries can be wary of sharing critical data and resources, reflecting on the larger backdrop of global geopolitics.
"Without cooperation, the problem will never be fully solved." – Evan Gough
Some nations are actively creating debris. In recent years, tests conducted by China, Russia, and India have resulted in substantial debris being generated, posing greater risks to current satellites and future missions.
In Conclusion
The challenge of solving the space debris problem is daunting but not insurmountable. The ESA's booklet serves as an important first step in outlining technical solutions and the necessary cooperative frameworks required for successful implementation.
However, it is up to global leaders to exhibit the collaboration needed to tackle this problem effectively. As history has shown, it is our collective responsibility to ensure the sustainability of Earth's orbital environment for future generations.
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Achieving zero space debris requires halting new debris creation, improving material durability, and developing alternative propulsion systems. Enhanced space traffic coordination and international cooperation are crucial for collision prevention. Existing debris must be actively removed using technologies like de-orbiting systems. While technical solutions are feasible, political cooperation remains a significant challenge.